Hebrides Revival - Day 28

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February 15, 2020

Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart. Who has not lifted his soul to an idol, Nor sworn deceitfully. PSALMS 24:3-4

“Blessed are the pure in heart. For they shall see God.” MATTHEW 5:8

Off the west coast of Scotland is a small group of islands called Hebrides. During the years of 1949-1952, there was a widespread revival that swept through these islands. God came in such a powerful way, sinners would cry aloud in the streets calling upon Him to save them from their sins. Most people in this revival were saved outside of the church as they felt the pull of God on their hearts. Local pubs were shut down and never reopened, crime ceased, jails empty, and virtually every person on the Hebrides Islands was saved during the 3-year revival.

The night that this revival started, there were some young people praying in a barn. They began to experience God’s presence and felt upon their hearts that a revival was eminent. During this prayer meeting a young man rose and read part of Psalms 24:3-4: “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord.” Turning to his fellow peers, he said, “Brethren, it seems to me just so much humbug to be waiting and praying as we are, if we ourselves are not rightly related to God.” Then lifting his hands up to God he cried out loud, “Oh God, are my hands clean? Is my heart pure?”

If we desire to see Him move in our lives in a greater measure, we must walk in holiness. Let us ask ourselves this same question, “Oh God, are my hands clean? Is my heart pure?”

Pray for clean hands and for God to prepare our hearts for a move of God. Let us be pure and spotless before our holy God. Pray for holiness to increase amongst college students, starting with the believers on campus. Pray for the culture to shift towards one that is righteous and fears God.

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