Five days of training in Colorado Springs and then we launch to Asia. Four historic nations of revival must now arise and take their stand for a missions movement to come out of Asia through
the Middle East and back to Jerusalem. Join us for a prayer tour across these strategic nations in Asia. We will be catalyzing youth movements in each of these four nations.
Early Bird Deadline: April 15th
Final Deadline: June 3rd
"When God wants to do something extraordinary in a nation, He takes ordinary men and women He sets them apart and He sets them on fire."
Lou Engle is an intercessor for revival, and the visionary co-founder of TheCall, a prayer and fasting movement responsible for gathering hundreds of thousands around the globe. He has been involved in church planting, establishing prayer movements and strategic houses of prayer.
David and Audry are the Directors of Contend, and served for a decade under Lou Engle and TheCall. For the past decade, they have dedicated their lives to mobilizing prayer movements, and training young leaders. Their hearts are to see revival, reformation and missions in their generation.
Thai is part of the leadership team of the IHOPKC, and serves as the national director of Luke18 Project. He is committed to calling a generation to wholehearted love, allegiance, and pursuit of Jesus. Thai has pioneered & led campus ministries for 20 years, and serves on the leadership team of the Collegiate Day of Prayer.