Nazarite intensive

Join us for our five day Nazarite Intensive training on prayer and fasting in Colorado Springs with an emphasis on Asia. Then launch out with us internationally to nations in East Asia of significant as we believe for Jesus to have his inheritance in the nations.

Nazarite Intensive:
Isaiah 19

Five days of intensive training in Colorado Springs and then we launch to the Middle East. In Isaiah 19 The Bible promises a united worship and prayer movement of unity to sweep through Middle East from the Pyramids to the Holy Land. Even in the midst of rising conflict and unrest, join us as we intercede through this region believing for a move of God to break forth in the Middle East.

Early Bird Deadline: April 5th
Final Deadline: May 13th

Summer Mission 
Middle East
June 10th - June 30th 

Nazarite Intensive:
4 Tigers 

Five days of training in Colorado Springs and then we launch to Asia. Four historic nations of revival must now arise and take their stand for a missions movement to come out of Asia through
the Middle East and back to Jerusalem. Join us for a prayer tour across these strategic nations in Asia. We will be catalyzing youth movements in each of these four nations.

Early Bird Deadline: April 15th
Final Deadline: June 3rd

Summer Mission Experience
East Asia
June 24th- July 22nd
Early Bird: $6500+ 
Normal: $6800+
(both prices may fluctuate depending on flight costs)

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THe Process

Training & Activation

Phase 1


- Biblical Instruction and Worldview
- Leadership Development in Prayer and Movements
- Understanding and Growing a Burden for the Nations
- Lifestyle of Prayer and Fasting
Phase 2


- Strategic Worship and Prayer Moments
- Relational Connect with International Christian movements
- Mobilizing Youth in Prayer and Fasting in the Nations
- Excursions to Key Revival Sites
Nazarite Intensive

Break Down

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"When God wants to do something extraordinary in a nation, He takes ordinary men and women He sets them apart and He sets them on fire."


The Nazarite Intensive and Summer Mission Experience have been intentionally structured around the following principles: biblical instruction, loving community, and intensive watches of prayer. There will be Biblical teachings that lay out a scriptural grid for the importance of contending intercession and a lifestyle of fasting as well as understanding for the days that we live in and how to respond believers. The schedule is designed not only to develop individuals, but a team who will grow in God and in loving one another. Community life is an essential component of student life. Students are not just part of an instructional and outreach setting, but are situated in the context of a spiritual family with small groups for intimate reflection and relationship building. The schedule also prioritizes focused and united times of prayer during the training and activation portions. You will gain a burden for the things of God in the nations in a special way during these extended times of prayer.


Housing during Nazarite Intensive and the Summer Mission Experience reflects the core value of community within Contend. Students will live in dorm-style housing where they will eat together, have fun together, grow in relationship with each other, and go deep in encountering God during free time.


For those only attending the five day Nazarite Intensive portion, Contend will be providing shuttles to and from the Denver Airport. Students are responsible for buying flights in and out of the Denver International Airport. 

For those attending both the training and activation portion abroad, Contend will be providing shuttles from the Denver Airport upon your arrival. Contend will be purchasing your international flight from Denver to the respective nations and back to a large Airport hub (to be announced). Students will be responsible for buying flights into Denver International Airport, and from the large Airport hub back home.


The global vision of Contend SAFA School is to penetrate the hardest and darkest places in the world through fasting and prayer, in order to establish the supremacy and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. This is our commitment: to expand these efforts into every nation until every tribe and tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.


  - application currently closed -  

iNTEREST FORMIsaiah 19 | Middle east APPlication4 TIGERS | ASIA APPlication

Meet The Team

Lou Engle

Lou Engle is an intercessor for revival, and the visionary co-founder of TheCall, a prayer and fasting movement responsible for gathering hundreds of thousands around the globe. He has been involved in church planting, establishing prayer movements and strategic houses of prayer. 

David & Audry Kim 

David and Audry are the Directors of Contend, and served for a decade under Lou Engle and TheCall. For the past decade, they have dedicated their lives to mobilizing prayer movements, and training young leaders. Their hearts are to see revival, reformation and missions in their generation.

Thai Lam 

Thai is part of the leadership team of the IHOPKC, and serves as the national director of Luke18 Project. He is committed to calling a generation to wholehearted love, allegiance, and pursuit of Jesus. Thai has pioneered & led campus ministries for 20 years, and serves on the leadership team of the Collegiate Day of Prayer.

David & Kendra Blalock

Kanaan & Nicole Allen

Michael & Hannah Allen

Kennady Purdue

Andres Ramirez

We are Vega Studio

We Create Mind-Blowing Webflow Themes

Nazarite Intensive
We are Vega Studio

We Create Mind-Blowing Webflow Themes

Nazarite Intensive
We are Vega Studio

We Create Mind-Blowing Webflow Themes

Nazarite Intensive
We are Vega Studio

We Create Mind-Blowing Webflow Themes

Nazarite Intensive
We are Vega Studio

We Create Mind-Blowing Webflow Themes

Nazarite Intensive
We are Vega Studio

We Create Mind-Blowing Webflow Themes

Nazarite Intensive
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